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Chandigarh: 6 months on, convict who jumped parole booked

Police have finally registered a case against a convict for violating parole conditions six months after repeated reminders from deputy superintendent of police (DSP), Model Jail.
Chinu, a prisoner who was released on a parole of 28 days, starting January 8, was directed to return to Model Jail, Chandigarh by February 6. However, he failed to report back on the specified date and was subsequently marked as absconded.
Following his failure to return, DSP Parmood Khatri, initiated multiple requests for action. Letters dated February 7 and March 13 were sent to Maloya police station, urging them to register an FIR under the relevant sections of the Punjab Good Conduct Prisoners Act. Despite these reminders, no FIR was filed initially.
Chinu was re-arrested and brought back to Model Jail on February 20. However, despite his re-arrest, no FIR had been registered against him for the parole violation.
The issue was escalated to Punjab and Haryana high court, which directed authorities to follow legal procedures. In response to court orders, an urgent reminder was issued by the jail administration, emphasising the necessity of registering the FIR as per legal requirements.
On September 7, an FIR was finally registered at Maloya police station, under Sections 8 and 9 of the Punjab Good Conduct Prisoners (Temporary Release) Act, 1962, against Chinu for violating the conditions of his parole.
The DSP Model Jail forwarded copies of the complaint to several senior officials, including inspector general of prisons, district magistrate, and senior superintendent of police,Chandigarh.
An investigation in the case is underway at the Maloya police station.
